
Monday, April 25, 2016

What Is Worth It?

Every day we make thousands of little decisions, and with each decision we sacrifice something for the other thing.  When we get out of bed, we decide that school is more important than more sleep.  When we watch TV after dinner, we are sacrificing any number of things we could be doing.  When we go for a run, we sacrifice time and energy.

Now, getting more sleep is important.  School is important, exercising is important, time and energy are valuable.  But the questions is, "What is worth it, right now?"

All too often we go through our lives on a "time-spending-auto-pilot."  We wake up, we go to school, we do homework, we watch a little TV, go to bed a little too late, and then repeat.  We make our choices of how to use our time based simply on how we feel, or what we normally do.

In the last couple months, I've been trying to actively make decisions based on what will help me reach my goals and push me farther.  Instead of buying a soda, drinking a water bottle.  Instead of watching another episode, going for a run.  Instead of scrolling through Instagram one more time, shutting my phone off and getting another math lesson done.

Our life doesn't change by one big event; it's a marathon, not a sprint.  Change comes one little decision at a time.  This week, try to consciously stop and think twice about decisions; ask yourself if you could do something else better.

One foot in front of the other, guys.  We got this.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Time Is Now

So much of our lives are spent waiting.  Waiting for the weekend, waiting for summer, waiting for the next big milestone.  

But the definition of life is not "the future."  Our life is not something that we are going to get to live when we finally get this paper written, when we finally get a raise, when we finally retire.  Our life is here, right now!  Every second of everyday is a special moment that we will never get back.  If we spend our life waiting for the perfect time to live it, we might just find that it passed us by. 

So today, instead of saying, "I'll do that someday" do something today.  Compliment a stranger, smile at something little, play a board game instead of watching TV, do something out of your comfort zone.  Put on some happy music and dance, get off the couch and go run, drink water.

We can't spend our lives wishing for tomorrow.  We need to live to the full, today.  Life is not made up of big events, but of thousands of little moments.

Here's to living our beautiful lives, today.
